"Not a one-woman show"

By Pascal SteinwachsMisch Pautsch Switch to German for original article

Parliament is closed for the summer recess. It's the ideal time for us to have a long conversation with the parliamentary group leaders after the first few months of the new legislative period. We continue our series with Green group leader Sam Tanson.

When we last spoke to Sam Tanson, it was only a few days after the election's debacle for the Greens, so the former top candidate was still receiving us in her ministerial office in the Ministry of Culture, which was already half empty. The mood was accordingly. In the meantime, however, the 47-year-old is in good spirits again.

During the interview, which we held outside on the terrace, the returning MP and still Co-President Djuna Bernard suddenly appeared and attended the interview until the end, without interfering.

Lëtzebuerger Journal: You seem to really enjoy being in opposition. Looking at your previous interventions in parliament, it doesn't seem to have taken you long to come to terms with your new role.

Sam Tanson: Politics is a game of coming and going. Part of the political game is that you have to adapt to different situations, which I have always done so far. What I enjoy is the exchange of ideas, but also drafting my speeches. What I miss, however, are the decisions that are subsequently implemented.

As a former minister, you have a certain amount of insider knowledge. Does that benefit you in the opposition?

All life experience is beneficial, including that as a (capital city) alderwoman and as a state councillor. But of course it helps if you know how things work at government level, in the ministries and in the administrations. As a member of parliament, however, it's really about drafting and improving texts, and my training as a lawyer and my professional career are a great help here.

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