"My father, the singer ..."

By Pascal SteinwachsLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

Arthur Stammet is not only a gifted singer, but also a composer, musicologist and video director, as well as being interested in anything creative. He built his own shelves himself, of course. A home visit to Arthur Stammet and his daughter.

When you see Arthur Stammet, the first thing you notice is his hair: long, wild and unconventional. He must probably have something to do with art, you immediately think. In film comedies, men with such hairstyles are usually portrayed as slightly crazy conductors. The conducting part is correct, the crazy part definitely not, however. Arthur Stammet knows exactly what he is doing, and although he is now retired, he still has more than enough to do.

When we visit the former music professor at his home in Esch on a gloriously sunny day, we not only encounter a lot of snow, which we immediately take advantage of for a photo shoot in the garden, but also his wife Malou and his daughter Valérie.

The house is more than spacious and the study is impressive. In addition to all kinds of electronic equipment for making music and a range of musical instruments and computers, this room also houses a huge specialised library dedicated exclusively to music and the like. Incidentally, Arthur Stammet built the shelves himself, but we already mentioned that in the introduction.

The fact that Valérie Stammet is also in her parents' house this afternoon is pure coincidence. The 26-year-old is normally in Maastricht in the Netherlands, where she is studying singing at the local conservatory and is currently completing her Master's degree. Because of the ideal location and the better performance opportunities, Valérie wants to stay in the Netherlands for the time being.

So the apple really doesn't seem to have fallen far from the tree in the Stammet family. Although the son is a computer scientist, he naturally also played music in earlier years.

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