For decades, Roby Schuler took care of organising concerts in Luxembourg City. He retired in April 2021, but still works a few hours a week. A visit to the father of Rock um Knuedler, who of course knows all kinds of anecdotes to tell.
Actually, one could have assumed that Roby Schuler's office, located in the Klenge Passage building in the capital, would be on the side facing the Knuedler, but no: looking out of the window here, one sees Rue Louvigny. Schuler could just as well have chosen an office facing the Knuedler, but he deliberately chose a room on the other side, as he tells us with a smile during our visit on a not-so-sunny market day.
It's quite possible, however, that in the course of his decades of working for the capital he has simply grown tired of the Knuedler. The last edition of the Rock um Knuedler was held here in July 2019, but the Stater Maart (open-air market in the capital) has since returned to its rightful place on the Knuedler.
Cultural desert
Schuler has spent around 35 years of his professional life at the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LTCO), where he was responsible for the Events & Culture department, and then, after the corresponding service at the Tourist Office was dissolved and taken over by the municipal administration, at the Service Espace Public, Fêtes et Marchés of the capital municipality. However, Roby Schuler has particularly fond memories of his collaboration with his former director Roland Pinnel, who always gave him the best possible support over the years (1985 to 2013).
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