Yves Cruchten was General Secretary of the Luxembourg Socialists for almost ten years and actually wanted to take a break from his party work. Then he took over the presidency of the LSAP in March last year. Now he is leading his party into the super-election year 2023.
A former leader of the German Social Democrats (Franz Müntefering) once described the presidency of the SPD as “the most beautiful office besides being Pope”. Yves Cruchten (45) holds this office in Luxembourg – and is quite content. The early riser, who is up at 5 a.m. every day and goes to bed shortly after the ‘heute-journal’, is also an LSAP MP (since 2013) and a local politician in Käerjeng (since 2005). During the interview with the Lëtzebuerger Journal last Monday, the LSAP chairman was calm and relaxed.
Lëtzebuerger Journal: How are you doing at the beginning of already the second year of Corona?
Yves Cruchten: Actually, I don't miss anything. However, I will be glad, as probably everyone is, when the whole thing will be over one day, because the pandemic is really getting on our nerves. The current situation tentatively tempts us to be optimistic, so that I, too, am rather optimistic …
Less than a year ago, you were elected as the new President of the LSAP with an election result (98.6 per cent) almost reminiscent of North Korea, after Francine Closener withdrew her candidacy for private reasons. Do you enjoy your new job after having held the post of General Secretary for nine years and then wanting to step back?
Actually, I had planned to take a break in my party work, but for the reasons I just mentioned, it was not as long as I had imagined. Yet, I took over the party chairmanship with conviction – I do it with great joy and commitment. However, I had only been in my new position for a week when the Corona pandemic started. This meant that I was not yet able to carry out many of the things I had planned as the new party president.
By the way, what is your Secretary General doing, whom we don't hear much from?
I am terribly glad that I have Tom Junge to help me out. He is not only a good personal friend, but also a workhorse who is very involved in the party, as well as in his community. He gives me a big hand in the day-to-day party work. Tom is doing a really good job …
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