Opgepikt - Mir si Mound!
Jaja, Luc Frieden ist mit allen Wassern gewaschen, nur nicht mit Weihwasser! Wer wissen will, warum, der sollte jetzt hurtig weiterlesen. Der satirische Wochenrückblick von und mit Pascal Steinwachs…
Music that breathes
The accordionist and composer Nataša Grujović has made a name for herself with her experimental and innovative approach to her instrument. A home visit.
"Dat hate mer schonn" - Shortage of magistrates and square metres
The lack of space at Luxembourg's cité judiciaire came back into the spotlight at the New Year's ceremony for the judiciary. The Journal had published a detailed article on the subject in February 20…
A decade of pitches
The Fit 4 Start programme is the showcase of the startup ecosystem in Luxembourg. It has certain shortcomings, but in a highly competitive environment, it has been the only beacon of hope for startup…
Déi gutt Mod #22 - An der Ëffentlechkeet stoen (feat. Anne Calteux)
Et waren emol eng Lokaljournalistin an eng Radiomoderatorin. Elo leede se gemeinsam e 76 Joer ale Mediebetrib, de Lëtzebuerger Journal. Wéi se dat maachen, erzielen d’Lynn Warken an d’Melody Hansen a…
Music education in step with the times
Two and a half years ago, Luc Nijs became the program director of the Bachelor of Music Education at the University of Luxembourg. In this interview, he shares his vision for the young program, how t…
Den Jobcast #3 - Silvia Fernandes
Vun der Aschreiwung bei der ADEM bis an den aktuelle Job. D'Silvia Fernandes ass blann a war Opgrond vun hirer Behënnerung 20 Joer ouni Aarbecht. Duerch d'ADEM huet si hiren haitege Job als Guide-Ser…
Nutritional supplements: a balance between science and marketing
During the cold season, many people turn to dietary supplements to bridge the time until spring as healthily as possible. But supplements only help to a limited extent - we spoke to two experts about…
De Gemengepodcast - Larochette
De Saeul à Luxembourg-Ville et de Schifflange à Kiischpelt, dans le Gemengepodcast, les journalistes du Lëtzebuerger Journal vous emmènent avec eux·elles dans les 100 communes du pays. Cette troisièm…
"Migration management" with a human cost
Despite the opposition from over 160 human rights organisations, the EU parliament voted in favour of the Migration and Asylum Pact last year. While Luxembourg's government fully backs the agreement,…
A NASA engineer making space for others
Dr Farah Alibay gets paid to create robots that explore the universe’s greatest mysteries: Was there ever life elsewhere, and how did it all begin? As a systems engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labo…
Lawyers relieved, tax authorities expectant
Tax authorities can no longer sue lawyers to obtain information about their clients. This is what the Administrative Court has decided in the light of the clarifications provided by the Court of Just…
New Work #16 - improof
Den Aarbechtsmarché ass permanent amgaangen, sech ze veränneren. Wéi gesäit d'Aarbechtswelt vun haut aus? Wéi eng Faktore ginn ëmmer méi wichteg a wou leien d'Chancë respektiv d'Geforen? De Podcast v…
Editorial - Lydie Polfer's liberal approach to the truth
The discussion about the "muzzle" clause in the contract between the municipality of Luxembourg and the ASBL HUT, followed by Lydie Polfer's assurance that it was not meant that way, reveals a worryi…
A mouthful of panic: the fear of the dentist
Fear of dentists is considered the second biggest phobia. Whether young or old, many patients shy away from going to the practice, whether due to bad experiences or simply a queasy gut feeling. Two p…
Zero waste in doubt
In 2018, the zero waste sector was booming with specialist shops and supermarkets taking an interest in selling unpackaged goods. A craze that collapsed with the Covid crisis and inflation. We met th…