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The Journal-team looks back at 2021 - Lex Kleren continues. The past twelve months have been exciting, challenging and enriching, and they also mark our first digital birthday. To celebrate the occasion, each team member has chosen the piece whose research or production had the biggest impact on them in 2021.
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I thought long and hard about whether this picture should be my photo of the year, since we have been inundated with Corona news on a daily basis for so many months now. Nevertheless, the Covid 19 pandemic has affected our lives in different ways over the past year as well as the year before.
This photo was taken when I had the opportunity to visit the CHEM Covid 19 station in Esch in early 2021 to capture the situation in pictures.
Before I was allowed to enter the ward, however, I was disinfected and wrapped from head to toe in special protective clothing. A full body suit, two pairs of gloves, protective goggles, headgear and of course a mask were necessary in order not to endanger my own health or that of the patients stationed there.
"In the middle of this chaos of screens, tubes and flashing lights lay a human being who was dependent on these overwhelming measures because of the infection."
At that time, I only knew images like this from the news. So, it was an insanely impressive moment for me to enter one of these large rooms, half filled with machines. In the middle of this chaos of screens, tubes and flashing lights lay a human being who was dependent on these overwhelming measures because of the infection.
This experience has definitely shown me what this virus can do and under what difficult circumstances hospital staff have to work day after day. Unfortunately, Covid-19 is still a part of our daily lives that should not be underestimated, and it is advisable not to treat the current situation too lightly.