Digital skills: modern solutions for modern problems
By Misch Pautsch Switch to German for original articleAt least a little computer literacy is a prerequisite for many jobs. Advanced knowledge opens doors, as the demand for IT expertise remains high. More than just the first steps in this industry can be learnt at the Digital Learning Hub - sometimes in unorthodox ways.
What is the most sought-after skill for finding a job in Luxembourg? According to Adem: Microsoft Office. This skill is a basic requirement for 36 per cent of advertised jobs – and therefore more important than the classics "communication", "independent working" or "creative thinking", for example. However, nobody is born with these skills, not even the so-called "digital natives" who often only appear to be competent behind the keyboard. Basic computer courses are now an integral part of the school curriculum. But for a large proportion of the older population, this comes too late – unless they learn something from their children or grandchildren.
According to the Digital Decade Country Report 2023, Luxembourg is actually doing quite well in a European comparison: 65 per cent of 17 to 74-year-olds in the Grand Duchy have "at least basic digital skills". The European average is 54 per cent. According to the European "Digital Decade" initiative, this figure should rise to 80 per cent by 2030 in order to be well prepared for the digital future.
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