"Cannabis is definitely not harmless"

By Pascal SteinwachsLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

Cannabis is still the most popular illegal drug worldwide and also in this country. The goal of a state-controlled production and sales chain is still being pursued.

If there is anyone who knows what he is talking about, it is Dr Alain Origer, who has been the national drug commissioner for a quarter of a century now. There was more than enough to talk about, especially since Luxembourg's drug policy does not only include the planned legalisation of cannabis. The discussion took place in the venerable Villa Louvigny; for the last time, because in the meantime the Ministry of Health has largely moved to Hamm.

Lëtzebuerger Journal: What is worse? Which is more dangerous? Alcohol or cannabis?

Dr Alain Origer: Alcohol causes more victims worldwide than cannabis. Alcohol is also highly neurotoxic, which means that it damages the nerve cells directly.

So why is alcohol legal and cannabis illegal?

Many have already asked themselves that very question. For me, anyway, this is a paradox, so we should go in the direction of putting cannabis in the right place.

What goes through your mind when the politicians attending wine and other festivals present themselves in the social media weekend after weekend, swaying and having a tipsy? The consequences of alcohol consumption are, as you have already mentioned, much more devastating than the consequences of cannabis consumption?

The most important thing is that substances like alcohol remain a stimulant. When you see people enjoying themselves, that's not a bad thing per se …

… but sets a bad example, especially coming from politicians.

One should be aware of one's possible role model effect as much as possible.

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