Cancelled appointments, jobs at risk
Since the Covid pandemic, last-minute cancellations and no-shows, i.e. appointments that are "forgotten" without feedback, have become more frequent in many industries. Two entrepreneurs explain the …
Editorial - Oops! ... I did it again
Donald Trump, Tom Weidig and Britney Spears in the same editorial? Sounds quite funny, if it wasn't so sad.
When AI brings voices back to life
The recent controversy surrounding the use of artificial intelligence to recreate the voice of a deceased French voice actor in a film trailer has rekindled debate about the role of AI in the film in…
Seeking asylum in Luxembourg: Laughed at and offered to simply leave
In the context of the increasingly restrictive refugee policies in Luxembourg, Lëtzebuerger Journal spoke to refugees who arrived in the country several years ago. Their stories reveal that even back…
J'ai deux mots à vous rire - Les écrits durent
Curieux de nature, notre chroniqueur s’est penché sur le cas du langage texto. Lol!
Offline, unreachable, happy: The smartphone rebels
Smartphones are so closely interwoven with our everyday lives that it seems difficult, almost unthinkable, to voluntarily do without them. The replacement of the Luxtrust token by an app shows that h…
"Good tourism in the little things"
Where hard labour once took place, tourists now come to rest: the "Kabaisercher" of the Minett Trail preserve Luxembourg's industrial heritage. Simpleviu founder and "Gîtes" operator Philippe Freitas…
The "totally motivated" superminister
In terms of portfolios, Yuriko Backes is clearly the second super minister in this government with three ministries alongside her party colleague Claude Meisch. As a result, her agenda is full to bur…
Trapped in your own home: no lift, no exit for people in wheelchairs
Aleksandra Kozak was locked in her own home for a fortnight. The reason: a broken elevator. The 33-year-old has multiple sclerosis and is dependent on a wheelchair. Without a lift, she cannot leave h…
Editorial - Larochette, the reverse side of the postcard
Behind the clean image of picturesque communes, it's not uncommon to find some cloak and dagger politicking. This is what I experienced when I ventured to Larochette to film a podcast that almost did…
Raising awareness for cybersecurity
Cyberattacks are evolving, and with them the challenges businesses and institutions face. But where is the line between fraud and cybersecurity? This is the central question addressed in the latest e…
Targeted support for disadvantaged pupils
In light of growing inequalities, elementary schools with many disadvantaged children should receive additional resources - but with conditions attached. This is the recommendation of the National Ob…
Construction crisis: "Cautious optimism" in the skilled trades
The Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts welcomes the government's measures in the construction sector, even if the crisis has not yet been overcome. This is what Tom Wirion, Director General of the …
The basics of self-employment: Q&A with an expert
Anyone who is self-employed will be familiar with the many letters that land in your letterbox every month from the tax office, social security and the like to sort out financial matters. No idea abo…
Diversity instead of prejudice - Our clothing consumption
In this video chronicle, Andy Schammo talks about fashion, consumption and hidden discrimination: from the inhumane working conditions in production countries to social injustices in this country. Wh…
NGOs see Luxembourg's time in Human Rights Council as mixed bag
NGOs have drawn up a mixed assessment of Luxembourg's term of office on the UN Human Rights Council.