The real work begins after therapy

By Christian BlockLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

Getting treatment for an addiction takes a lot of effort. But the real work only begins afterwards. However, aftercare is not guaranteed in all cases of stays abroad. An expansion of outpatient support services could change things.

When Marc (name changed by the editors) returns from a private clinic in Germany after a ten-week stay, he is put to the test. The therapy stay had "really helped him". But now he is on his own and back in his familiar surroundings. The first weeks were difficult, he recalls. He feels an inner restlessness.

Through his own research, Marc found a self-help group for anxiety disorders and panic attacks. But it is not a positive experience for the young man. "When you get out of there, you feel even worse", he describes his experience. Talk therapy does not help him either. Twice Marc was on the verge of falling back into old patterns. Twice it is circumstances – he calls it a "higher authority" – that save him from relapsing. Because Marc's diagnosis is a sex addiction.

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