Playing poker, roulette, a slot machine in a bar, or your regular lottery ticket: when it comes to gambling there are many options. Is it fair that gambling has a bad reputation? Is there enough due diligence from the side of the operators, and who benefits from the business of, and with, luck?
A slight whirring, combined with a clicking of buttons, fills the room, interrupted only by the clinking of coins hitting a pile. Whoever has seen the slot machine rooms at Luxembourg’s most notorious funfair, the Schueberfouer, will know that these sounds are usually mixed with the exclamations and cries of children while rollercoaster screams echo in the background. This room is different, probably because it is only filled with adults, but also because it is four in the afternoon on a Monday at Casino 2000 in Mondorf-les-Bains. There is an eerie and concentrated silence in the room, as mostly elderly customers play in the windowless halls of the casino.
If you’re not a regular in any casino, there is a strange but appealing aura to these rooms—machines designed in colourful designs and emblems and increasingly high-tech. The days of the squeeky one-armed bandits are over, and even the roulette tables have been automatised – something that has come in handy given the need for social distancing in times of COVID-19.
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