From draper's to winegrower's family

By Melody HansenLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

The politically quiet summer months are a good time to get to know politicians personally. We asked Henri Kox, Minister for Internal Security and Housing, and his niece, MP Chantal Gary (both déi gréng), to take us to the community where they grew up. There they would show us the places they associate with special memories.

Henri Kox grew up in Remich, Chantal Gary in Grevenmacher. For the summer interview, however, they invited the Lëtzebuerger Journal to neither of those places. Instead, uncle and niece await us on the terrace of the restaurant Bistrot Gourmand in Remerschen. "This is the origin of our family's political commitment", Henri Kox explains the choice of location. His mother and Chantal Gary's grandmother, Elisabeth Kox-Risch, was one of the main activists against the construction of a nuclear power plant in Remerschen in the 1970s. "She was given a book by a teacher at the time about how nuclear power doesn't go together with sustainability, viticulture and agriculture", recalls the Minister of Internal Security and Housing. That led his mother, member of the Christian Social People's Party at this time, to turn to the anti-nuclear movement and join the Green Party. A party that emerged in part from this protest movement.

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From draper's to winegrower's family


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