Artificial Intelligence: Navigating recruitment to workplace life

By Alex Kuzmina, Ahmad Habash, João De AlmeidaMisch Pautsch

AI has already been a prominent tool in the workplace, however, there is now more initiative to further incorporate AI in a multitude of sectors such as public services and recruitment. How is Luxembourg, more precisely ADEM adapting to a world heavily reliant on AI?  This article offers an outline of the ADEM pilot project, taking into account a variety of factors, including the program's advantages, disadvantages, and potential risks.

The fact that the EU-AI Act has been recently voted into effect, highlights the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives. This encompasses a wide range of applications; from the use of chatbots like ChatGPT for recipe inquiries to interactive conversation partners and AI models generating images based on user prompts. But more importantly, there is a significant yet less evident aspect concerning individuals, particularly job seekers, as AI programs have long been utilised in decision-making processes affecting their future. The AI4GOV initiative, a government effort aimed at digitalising Luxembourg, includes a pilot project for Agence pour le Développement de l’Emploi (ADEM) with a €100,000 budget. It’s a statistical model using AI, enabling advisers to estimate and characterise the risk of job seekers remaining unemployed over a longer period, based on various factors such as age, or the number of days without employment before registering with ADEM. What does the new AI initiative mean for labour laws and the individual employment experience? How do AI models affect the recruitment process and the current HR structures? Let’s see what labour law, recruitment professionals and ADEM have to say.

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