Alone with the fox

By Pascal SteinwachsLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

These weeks we are visiting the parliamentary group secretaries of those parties that have enough MPs to form a parliamentary group. This time it is the turn of the DP, which has the largest parliamentary group among the three coalition parties.

At an age when some people still don't really know what kind of career they should pursue, Gene Kasel has already achieved a lot. At just 31, he is already the DP's parliamentary secretary – a position he has held since September last year, when his predecessor Jeff Feller replaced Paul Konsbruck as head of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel's cabinet. Before that, Kasel, who started as attaché parlementaire in the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party in summer 2016, was Jeff Feller's deputy for almost three years.

"This is my first interview ever"

Gene Kasel has climbed the career ladder, but he had not yet given an interview, as he laughingly told us during our recent visit to the premises of the DP parliamentary group. "This is my first interview ever", although strictly speaking it was not an interview, but only a conversation about the daily work of a parliamentary party secretary.

You shouldn't draw conclusions about a person's occupation or political blood type from their appearance, but specifically in terms of appearance, Kasel somehow looks exactly like one would stereotypically imagine a parliamentary group secretary of a liberal party to look like. Blue suit, neat hairstyle, fashionable five-day beard, smart glasses – plus an open but not too open shirt in light blue. The only thing missing is the silk scarf, without which a liberal showpiece politician like Xavier Bettel did not leave the house during his time as president of the Young Democrats, but silk scarves have apparently been out of fashion for some time.

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