Luxembourg Waffle - Christos Floros
Von Laura Tomassini, Teodor Georgiev, Misch Pautsch Artikel nur auf Englisch verfügbar
In this podcast series, Laura and Teo are joined by guests who found their place in the Grand Duchy. The Luxembourg Waffle is about all the little (and not so little) things that make the Luxembourg melting pot so very unique.
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Luxembourg Waffle - Ep. 8
Christos Floros on voting awareness
Ahead of the upcoming elections, Laura and Teo sat down with political activist Christos Floros to chat about voter engagement and the diverse identity of Luxembourg. At first glance, the topic seems somewhat charged, but this episode is anything but that. Sitting cross-legged on the grass at Merl Park, Christos takes a walk down memory lane: from his early arrival in Luxembourg and studying in the European School of Luxembourg to getting involved in Luxembourg’s political life. Actually, when he first arrived in Luxembourg, he was only a couple of months old and his passport did not even have a name on it at the time.
Still, Christos values his Greek origins and travels frequently to Athens, where he is from. He reflects on the people’s perception of Greece shifting when the country entered a debt crisis in 2009. Laura also checked his range in Luxembourgish, with a couple of old school words that are now mostly replaced by English or French ones in everyday life. Tune in to find out how Luxembourgish people used to say "weird" back in the day.
*in English