Debbie Kirsch: Entrepreneur with heart and vision
Debbie Kirsch runs the Devï and Sukhā shops in Luxembourg, where she sells handmade clothing and decorations. With her passion for sustainability and community, she has developed a unique recipe for …
Opgepikt - Ewig verliebt
Christophe Hansen ist nicht in trockenen Tüchern und der Großherzog hat durchnässte Hosenbeine. Es wird nass, richtig nass. Der satirische Wochenrückblick von und mit Pascal Steinwachs.
The feeling of belonging (in sport)
Two Luxembourg sports clubs are turning their training sessions into a meeting place: people on the autism spectrum, wheelchair users and senior citizens keep fit here together with young, neurotypic…
Diversity instead of prejudice - The "black friends" defence
"After all, I have a lot of black friends" is a phrase that often serves as a defence against accusations of racism. A defence that is not as unassailable as it is often used.
The misconception about lighting and safety
In Luxembourg, the nights are brightly lit - often unnecessarily and expensively. Despite widespread assumptions, there is no clear link between excessive lighting and safety. The excessive use of li…
Julien Hübsch: Daring to think big
Julien Hübsch talks about envy in the Luxembourg art scene and how you can make it as an independent artist in Luxembourg, even without rich parents. The award-winning artist was born in 1995, the ye…
Evergreens - De l'école au marché
Un podcast en collaboration avec la Spuerkeess sur la durabilité, la technologie et l'avenir dans les secteurs bancaire et financier. Chaque dernier vendredi du mois, Bryan Ferrari discute de sujets …
Fleur Thomas: From flight attendant to ambassador
Fleur Thomas is no ordinary diplomat. Why she gave up one of London's most coveted jobs, how she became the British ambassador to Luxembourg and what it was like for her to battle cancer during her t…
Editorial - Running the gauntlet of self-employment
The life of a self-employed professional in Luxembourg is a balancing act between freedom and financial uncertainty, passion for the job and frustration with higher earners, flexibility and administr…
Baby years: Beneficial but misunderstood
The baby years scheme has been around for a long time, but confusion and misunderstanding are still rife among potential beneficiaries, the majority of working people with at least one child.
D'Hoffnungsdréier #6 - Virbiller
Ee Joer laang huet de Lëtzebuerger Journal d'Team Lëtzebuerg begleet. Kommt mat hannert d'Kulisse vun de Paralympics 2024.
Work, stress, burnout: the invisible crisis
No numbers, no crisis? There are no statistics, but there are indicators that suggest that there have been exponentially more cases of burnout in Luxembourg recently. Why is this the case and how can…
The underestimated laughing gas epidemic
While many European countries are actively raising awareness about the growing use of nitrous oxide as a recreational drug, Luxembourg's response has been slow. What steps are being taken? What do th…
"Being President of the Bar means constantly fighting for the profession"
Pit Reckinger will officially hand over the keys to the Luxembourg Bar Association to his successor Albert Moro on 15 September. Here is a look back at two eventful but exhilarating years at the helm…
Independent into working life: "Atva is really needed"
The Agency for Transition to Independent Living (Atva) supports young people with special needs in their transition from school to working life. The management team explains what their work consists …
Generatioun A-Z - Hiewanskonscht
Konflikter tëscht Generatioune ginn et schonn esou laang, wéi et Mënsche ginn. Dobäi kënne si immens vill vunenee léieren. An dësem Podcast brénge mir jeeweils e jonken an en eelere Mënsch zesumme, f…