The need for cultural advocacy during wartime
Like so many other industries, publishing in Ukraine has been impacted in the shadow of the war. Local Ukrainian writer Olga Aleksandrova shares her views on the power of telling others’ stories as a…
Diversity instead of prejudice - Cancel Culture
In his video chronicle, Andy Schammo talks this time about "Cancel Culture": what the term means and what really matters.
The phallic fallacy
"More masculinity" has always been a far-right battle cry. The fact that the current interpretation between chainsaws, boy band bans and calls for "more masculine energy" can hardly be distinguished …
J’ai deux mots à vous rire - Platitudes
Notre chroniqueur voyageur a survolé la moitié de la planète pour vérifier sa courbure.
The right to be forgotten is progressing with baby steps
Five years after the convention on the right to be forgotten came into force, the improvements so eagerly awaited by patients' associations have yet to materialise.
Editorial - "Angry at the virus"
The bluetongue disease has hit Luxembourg's agriculture hard despite prior warnings. While parallels to the COVID-19 pandemic seem inevitable, the improvement in communication promised by the authori…
Mäin Element - Johannes Meiser
Wat ass eigentlech den Ënnerscheed tëscht engem Kriibsfuerscher an engem Dokter? Ënner anerem doriwwer schwätzt de Max mam Johannes Meiser, Gewënner vum FNR Award 2024, an dësem Episod vu "Mäin Eleme…
Here's why "this content is not available in your region"
While consumers would appreciate seamless access to movies and series, the film industry warns that lifting geo-blocking restrictions risks destabilising financial structures that keep European produ…
Why the housing register needs a little "detective work"
Before vacancies can be taxed more heavily across the country in order to make housing available, the public authorities must first register all homes. While the preparatory work for a national build…
Histoires d'avocats - Divorce entre associé·e·s
Loin des prétoires et des caméras, les avocat·e·s sont des passionné·e·s de droit et de justice. Le podcast Histoires d’avocats vous propose de découvrir dans chaque épisode l'un·e d'entre eux·elles,…
Focusing on Ukraine’s resilience at a moment of uncertainty
Amid mind-bending headlines linked to Ukraine, Luxembourg-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce (LUCC) president Evgenia Paliy sat down with Journal to share her thoughts on recent talks about the war-torn cou…
Editorial - Last chance!
Germany has voted. A CDU/CSU-SPD-coalition should now govern sensibly, otherwise the country will have a female chancellor again in four years' time, and her name will be Alice Weidel.
Pills in the shopping basket - Proceed to checkout?
Counterfeit medicines? The idea seems strange. But despite an ever-closer European control network, the danger remains, especially when shopping online. What you should look out for.
Itinerary of a committed magistrate
Martine Solovieff has been a public prosecutor for ten years and has just retired. The curtain falls on a career devoted to justice.
Déi gutt Mod #24 - Sport an (On)zefriddenheet
Et waren emol eng Lokaljournalistin an eng Radiomoderatorin. Elo leede se gemeinsam e 76 Joer ale Mediebetrib, de Lëtzebuerger Journal. Wéi se dat maachen, erzielen d’Lynn Warken an d’Melody Hansen a…
"I am a numbers person"
Françoise Kemp is clearly overqualified to be a politician. She has a degree in mathematics and a doctorate in biomedicine. Politically, she wears several hats. She is not only a CSV member of parlia…