Why creatives shouldn’t fear GenAI

By Natalie GerhardsteinMisch Pautsch

Although there has been concern amongst creatives about how generative AI could impact their livelihoods, it should be seen not just as a tool but also as a medium all its own. Here’s how some Luxembourg brands and their communities are embracing it.

Misch Strotz recalls when OpenAI released Dall-E 2 in 2021. Within his marketing agency, Neon Internet, of which he’s CEO and co-founder, it was "a mind-blowing moment for all of us. That changed quite a lot inside the company."

By further digging into such generative AI tools, the team soon realised that they weren’t able to generate images in niche areas, nor were they able to generate Luxembourg-specific images. And so they saw two opportunities: one was to build an opt-in platform where users could control how they’re represented, and the second was that the platform could generate those Luxembourg images—although they weren’t limited to that.

So what sort of images were they hoping to generate? "It was basic things: the Luxembourgish flag, the Golden Lady, Luxembourgish people, " Strotz explains. "A classic example is if you try to generate Xavier Bettel on Midjourney, it sort of works, but the guy never looks like Bettel."

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