"The other parties are all on the wrong track"
By Pascal Steinwachs, Lex Kleren Switch to German for original article
One man's friend, another man's grief: in mid-May, Nathalie Oberweis and Myriam Cecchetti, elected second in the center and south, respectively, will replace David Wagner and Marc Baum in the Chamber of Deputies, following the rotation principle of déi Lénk. There is great anticipation among the two women.
With Myriam Cecchetti and Nathalie Oberweis, neither of whom has yet held a national mandate, not only does a breath of fresh air enter the House of Representatives on the Krautmarkt, pardon the expression, in the "Cercle" building on the "Plëss", but with the two politicians the proportion of women in the "Chamber" is also increased from 19 to 21 thanks to the rotation principle, which in earlier times was also the custom with the Greens, but is now only used with the Left. Until now, by the way, déi Lénk was represented in parliament exclusively by men. The detailed conversation, which took place in a relaxed atmosphere, was held on Tuesday last week.
Lëtzebuerger Journal: Mrs. Oberweis: Your father was a CSV deputy for many years. You will soon represent déi Lénk in parliament. What went wrong with your upbringing?
Nathalie Oberweis: (laughs) That proves that nothing went wrong. My father taught me the right values. If anyone was in the wrong party, it was my father, who really should have been a member of the déi Lénk, because as a left-wing Catholic he represented values such as solidarity, sharing and empathy, which should have landed him in the Left. So he was clearly in the wrong party.
Ms. Cecchetti: You were a member of the déi gréng for many years and were even a schepen in Sassenheim. What made you leave the Greens and join the déi Lénk instead?
Myriam Cecchetti: Because the values that I always wanted to represent as a member of the Greens, I no longer found in this party, which, I claim, has sold its soul. So I am all the more pleased to have found acceptance in a movement that has taken me on board with my rough edges …
… You are talking about a movement, not a party?
MC: … yes, a movement that is trying to get society to function differently. The other parties are all on the wrong track, our society must finally change, which has become especially clear in these pandemic times.
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"The other parties are all on the wrong track"
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