How to overcome crises

By Melody HansenLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

By now, everyone is talking about resilience - whether it's the business world, the financial sector, the health system or society in general. The term originates from the field of psychology. What resilience means in practice, how we achieve resilience and why everyone benefits from it.

The term "resilience" is derived from the Latin "resilire", which means "to bounce back" or "to rebound". A person is resilient if he or she has the ability to survive difficult life situations without lasting damage.

The term was particularly coined in the middle of the last century, when researchers around the world became increasingly interested in what factors influence the development of children and young people. The long-term study by Emmy Werner and her colleague Ruth Smith on the island of Kaua'i is often cited as the breakthrough of the concept of resilience: the US researchers observed and tested 698 children born in 1955 from difficult backgrounds from the time of their birth for over 40 years. The result: one third of the children developed positively despite adverse conditions, some even very positively. Werner concluded that resilience can be learned and that people who have grown up in difficult conditions do not automatically develop negatively, as previously assumed.

Kabi and Fine

Once across Trier, through several villages and fields, we arrive at the place where Anke Diederich lives with her family. A family that can undoubtedly be described as resilient. In front of the door of the family home, we come across a large car with a wheelchair sticker on the rear window. The little man sitting in it is holding three colourful balloons. A mood that Anke Diederich also conveys when she opens the door. The young mother wears a broad grin on her face. Dirk Hense, vice-president of the association nestwaerme Luxemburg asbl e.V., has also just arrived and joins. He brought apple pie.

The large windows in the kitchen-living room offer a unique panoramic view of the hills and the forest in the distance. Between the sofa and the kitchen table is a large nursing bed. Cat Kabi and daughter Fine lie together and enjoy the view. "Kabi always lies down with Fine, " says their mother Anke and lovingly strokes Fine's hair. With a practised grip, she lifts Fine out of the bed and into her chair at the table – after all, she is supposed to be there for the interview, which is about her, among other things.

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