Coffee micro-roasters conquer the Luxembourg market

By Sherley De DeurwaerderMisch PautschLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

Three Luxembourg micro-roasters have turned their passion into a successful business model. How the entrepreneurs manage to pass on low margins to their customers despite rising purchase prices and make coffee consumption more sustainable.

Whether it's for waking up, on the go or as a treat: a cup of coffee is an often underestimated consumer product that can be enjoyed by young and old alike. According to Statista, Luxembourg's coffee industry will generate total revenue of around 448 million euros in 2024. Last year, the sale of 8.21 kilograms of roasted coffee per capita in Luxembourg generated an average per capita income of around 590 euros.

Within the coffee market, speciality coffee represents a niche whose demand is increasing on a global level, according to Statista. According to the definition of the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), speciality coffee is the result of close cooperation between all players in the production and retail chain, whereby they consistently maintain high standards and excellence.

In Luxembourg, too, a handful of small entrepreneurs have dedicated themselves to the art of roasting speciality coffee, opening up an economic niche that focuses on quality, sustainability and craftsmanship.

The down-to-earth path to self-employment

All beginnings are difficult, especially when two people take their first steps towards professional independence. Thomas Süß and Sandra Mignani, the couple behind Collette Coffee Craft, professionalised their hobby into a weekend job that they can pursue alongside their permanent employment. The fantasy of having their own small café in their retirement years had existed for some time: But on a private outing, they came across listed premises in Vianden. The couple seized the opportunity and have been giving the café a new lease of life since 30 September 2023.

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