The public sector invests heavily in creating the conditions for successful inclusion in schools. However, the national monitoring centre OEJQS complains that it is difficult to understand how the resources are being used. The Ministry of Education vows to do better.
When Martine Frising once presented the Luxembourg inclusion system to colleagues and lecturers at the Catholic University of Louvain, she was met with astonishment. "They said that everything should be running smoothly in terms of inclusion in Luxembourg, " recalls the observer at the Observatoire national de l'enfance, de la jeunesse et de la qualité scolaire (OEJQS). The fact that this is not the case is well known and is documented by the 2023 report by the Observatory, among others.
Frising's description of the current state of school inclusion is initially positive: "In Luxembourg, we are in the favourable situation that pupils are automatically included by law, i.e. enrolled in a regular school […]. That sets us apart from other countries."
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