Understanding and being understood

By Sarah RaparoliLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

What depression, anxiety disorders or panic attacks feel like is usually only known by those affected themselves. The Lëtzebuerger Journal asked three people to explain how they experience them, how their everyday life is affected and what techniques and methods have helped them.

Trigger warning: This video contains descriptions of panic attacks, anxiety disorders, depression, and suicidal thoughts. People who are troubled by these issues may not want to watch it. Anyone seeking help or who knows someone who needs support can contact the following addresses:

  • SOS Détresse 
    Telephone: 45 45 45 

  • Kanner- a Jugendtelefon 
    Telephone: 11 61 11 

  • Ligue Luxembourgeoise d'Hygiène Mentale 
    Telephone: 49 30 29 

  • Réseau Psy Psyschesch Hëllef Dobaussen 
    Telephone: 92 29 1 

  • Liewen Dobaussen 
    Telephone: 26 81 51 1 

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