
By Misch Pautsch Switch to German for original article

It is probably the most influential issue in the country. And it doesn't even have a name: The press review of the state press service compiles the most important news of the day. But who are these people who compile the news for our politicians every day? And how do they decide which news are "important enough"?

It is 6.30 on a Thursday morning. Under the not-yet-fully-open eyes of the Gëlle Fra, the most important national and international news have been distilled for an hour, as they do every morning. The three staff members of the press review department of the SIP (Service Information et Presse) are working under time pressure on their highly concentrated daily product: the press review that is supposed to be waiting for the ministers, MPs and ambassadors at 8.00 am. "Coffee?" asks Philippe Gengler, stopping by his two colleagues with a classic coffee pot – the more modern, fully automatic coffee machine not being able to withstand their coffee consumption for long.

Like all the departments of the Information and Press Service, the team around Head of Service Steve Jacoby, who rolls jauntily back and forth between two desks on his office chair, works largely unnoticed by society. But their concentrate is probably the most subliminally important medium in Luxembourg: a newspaper mosaic that is theoretically perfect in many respects: pluralistic, diverse, but in-depth, without filler articles or advertising. However, it is not clear-cut: the approximately 250 articles a day, compiled from 35 newspapers, form the basis of the shared knowledge of all the country's political decision-makers. You can either access the three dossiers National (Luxembourg press), International 1 (worldwide news) and International 2 (longer international analyses) via the SIP website, or download the PDFs, which total around 250 pages.

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