The sometimes arduous stairway to the next diploma
By Christian Block, Lex Kleren Switch to German for original article
Vocational training in Luxembourg is based on a tiered system with opportunities for advancement. What succeeds in many cases fails in others. The causes are manifold, as are some of the answers.
It was that time again recently. At the end of November, the fresh graduates of the vocational training programme were honoured at the University of Luxembourg's House of Knowledge. They now have their diplomas in their pockets. Goal achieved?
The answer to this question is probably already clear for many of the – roughly speaking – 1,500 trainees who complete their technician training (DT) every year and hold their vocational diploma (DAP) or certificate of professional competence (CCP) in their hands.
One thing is certain: regardless of the qualification, it is easier to start a career with a diploma: the longitudinal study "Transition École-Vie Active" (Teva) by the Continuing Education Observatory of the National Institute for the Development of Continuing Vocational Training INFPC showed in the last education report of the University of Luxembourg that "academic success favours career entry" and that a majority find a permanent position more or less quickly (see info box). Furthermore, according to a survey commissioned by four professional chambers, most trainees are satisfied with their career choice and training. So is there no need for a debate about upgrading vocational training? Not quite.
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