Insults, threats, mansplaining, victim blaming, slut- or bodyshaming - forms of sexist hate speech that can take on extreme forms both in direct conversation and on the net. That sexism towards girls and women is still an issue in Luxembourg became clear during the interviews conducted and the research of the Lëtzebuerger Journal.
"Don't be like that", "It's just a compliment" or other clearly sexist comments are not uncommon, both online and in everyday life. Corresponding remarks are often dismissed as harmless, even though some can be condescending or downright demeaning. When the statements made target gender, the talk is of sexism. Women who express themselves politically are particularly affected by sexist hate speech, says Isabelle Schmoetten of CID Fraen an Gender in an interview with the Lëtzebuerger Journal. Sexist hate comments toward women are a reality, the 30-year-old said. Men can also be discriminated against because of their gender and suffer from sexist prejudice.
"But it's not this structural sexism that women and non-binary people face. To me, that's a big difference." She underscores this with the following statement: "There is no racism towards white people and I would say the same thing about sexism – there is no sexism towards men. If a father is disadvantaged in a custody proceeding, the cause is the sexist idea that raising children is women's business. So men definitely also suffer from the consequences of structural sexism – directed against women." The online initiative BEE SECURE also states in a specially created dossier that they describe sexism "as discrimination against women and girls based on their gender."
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Sexism is not a compliment
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