The Chamber of Commerce's coffers are at stake

By Camille FratiLex Kleren Switch to French for original article

Until now, only holding companies have benefited from a symbolic membership fee to the Chamber of Commerce. A recent ruling paves the way for this preferential status to be extended to other companies - and for the professional chamber to worry about its budget.

The Chamber of Commerce's main source of revenue, which finances a large part of its services to members, from training to support and participation in political debate, could well see a significant reduction. This financial blessing consists of all the membership fees paid by members of the Chamber of Commerce – bearing in mind that any company or individual carrying on a commercial activity in the Grand Duchy is automatically affiliated to the Chamber of Commerce (unless it is part of the Chamber of Trades). As the Chamber points out on its website, "the Chamber of Commerce is the flagship institution for businesses and the economy in Luxembourg, bringing together all companies operating in the sectors of industry, commerce, banking and finance, services, insurance and the hotel and catering industry". In August 2023, the Chamber of Commerce counted 96,790 members, representing 75 per cent of salaried employment and 80 per cent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP).

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