Blocking access to treatment abroad
By Camille Frati, Lex Kleren, Misch Pautsch Switch to French for original articlePatients wishing to be treated or have surgery abroad are increasingly being denied coverage by the National Health Fund. The Ministry of Social Security denies wanting to make savings at the expense of those with insurance.
For almost two hours on January 18, the elected members of the Chamber of Deputies took turns at the podium to express their party's position on the subject on the agenda for the current hour: the social security medical control. This administration has had its own problems for several months now, and the various interventions on rue du Marché-aux-Herbes were consistent with the recurrent grievances against it: "lack of empathy" and "unjustified decisions" for Nathalie Oberweis (déi Lénk), initiator of the topical hour, "calling in vulnerable people" for Carole Hartmann (DP), "lack of empathy and transparency" for Marc Hansen (déi gréng), "lack of respect for the person and his mental health" for Sven Clement (Piratenpartei) …
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