Luxembourg Waffle - Ten episodes and ten people to remember
Par Laura Tomassini, Teodor Georgiev, Misch Pautsch Article uniquement disponible en anglais
The new year is a fitting opportunity to look back on the last twelve months. For the Journal team, this means reflecting on more than 600 published articles and podcasts, as well as at least three times as many conducted interviews. Laura Tomassini and Teodor Georgiev look back on the first year of the Luxembourg Waffle podcast.
Luxembourg Waffle - Flashback
Best of the Waffle
That's it : we (and you) have made it through one year of the Luxembourg Waffle – what a ride ! We've met passionate photographers, cyclists, radio hosts, teachers and fellow journalists and all of them share one thing : their love for their new found home in Luxembourg. For this special episode, we decided to go down memory lane and have a listen into some of our best moments with our guests. What we realised after a year full of random and not so random waffling : it can be tough to mingle with locals but once you do get to know them, we (Laura speaking) Luxembourgers tend to have a big heart and welcome new faces in this tiny spot on the map that attracts so many different people. A fun feature we decided to include in this recap episode : Teo's confirm or debunk section, but this time about Luxembourg. Let's hear what we learned so far…
We'll be back soon with more cool people and fascinating stories, until then : happy new year and 'Prost !' to many more episodes filled with smiles, clichés and hopefully finally some real tasty waffles !
*in English