That little bit "more" in your love life

By Laura TomassiniLex Kleren Switch to German for original article

They live and love in twos, threes or as a "quad" in fours: Polyamory has many faces, but in essence always means the same thing, the fact that one person loves several other people at the same time. However, it also works without romantic feelings, i.e. when the love life is purely sexual and a consensual open relationship develops.

Open or alternative relationships are currently in vogue in German-speaking countries, at least this is what an eavesdrop on many of the most popular podcasts indicates. Also in Luxembourg, more and more people dare to follow their gut feeling and take the step away from monogamy towards consensual non-monogamous partnerships. In doing so, each couple determines the direction of their own love life themselves, because the reasons for wanting more are as individual as the people living it out themselves.

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That little bit "more" in your love life


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